A Reanimation System to Reanimate the System-Logged Data
XR system are usually capable to track and log a great amount of data. When it comes to user behaviour data, such as gaze, orientation, location, movements, these data are usually time-stamped, making it difficult and time-consuming to recognise the patterns in the data if we do not have a system that can renimate the dataset. See the exemplar dataset below, it's the amount of data produced for a singer user using LeMo within 3 seconds.
Hence, AniMotion was programmed:
To ease the difficulty of interpreting the system-logged data, a reanimation system named AniMotion was built. It was programmed in Processing, UIs are designed and made using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
The system is capable to read data from dataset, and animate the locations, directions of participants and tools being used (in this case - music interfaces). When using AniMotion to review the data, users can use buttons to switch amount different datasets (groups and experiential conditions). Time-line at the bottom and play/pause button are available to set time. Play/Pause button is available as well.
It was programmed using processing, Adobe Illustrator was used to craft the graphical elements.
©2023 by LM